Life at the Jackson house is moving along. I'm always amazed at how quickly days turn into weeks, and weeks in to months and so on. We had dinner with grams and Ish last night. I made roasted chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, steamed veggies, garlic bread, and pumpkin bars. With bellies full we played Phase 10. It took us three hours and we didn't even finish! Erin and Blake were talking pretty much non-stop about anything and everything. Grandma left the game somewhere around level four to put Hayden to sleep. She's been watching him for us while I work and she's developed quite a bond with him. He still cries when I leave him in the morning, but when I return he's all smiles and giggles. On Monday she's planning to take him to the Senior Center with her. I'm sure he'll love all the attention he's sure to get. He's a complete and total flirt especially with the ladies. He bates his long eye lashes and flashes his smile, already working his magic on the ladies.
David is enjoying his new job profusely. He works a normal 8-4:30 schedule and is off on the weekends and all holidays. What is not to love about that after working his previous crazy schedule? We love that he is home more. He's been busy making poker tables again. He just completed one of the coolest poker tables that anyone has ordered from him. It had a dealer cut out, chip tray, and money box. It was silver with black accents. Very cool! I'd upload a photo but we forgot to take one. We were up until 3:30 in the morning finishing the darn thing! He isn't taking anymore orders for a week so we can relax.
I am enjoying the job at JC Penny though I hate the sales part of it. It's a very fast paced environment and I'm learning how to think of poses on the fly. It's really great experience. I do wish there was a little more creativity involved in the use of the camera. I'm used to messing around with all of the settings on my camera to get the look and feel I want in a image. There is none of that in the studio.
Erin is sick with what she is convinced is H1N1. I'm not as convinced. She has a low grade fever, a little nose congestion, and a sore throat. Sound smore like the common cold to me, but I'm watching her closely and making sure she doesn't get any worse.
Hayden is a walking, babbling, screaming, eating, bundle of boy! He loves to be chased through the house and laughs hysterically if we even pretend to chase him. He loves the Wiggles! He even makes a motion to let me know he wants to watch them. I love them too. We dance together and sing with them. It's the best 20 minutes of my day. He also loves his new toy truck that my friend Karen go him for his birthday, and of course he's in love with his big sister. He lights up when she comes home from school. I'm trying not to be to freakish when it comes to what his learning and when. I don't like putting that type of stress on myself or him. He's talking baby talk and mimics our sounds. He pulls books from his book shelf and brings them to me to read. His favorite has all different kinds of textures he can touch. He feels them with his hands and then rubs his cheek with them.
Some photos of our recent trip to the punkin patch for your view pleasure. :) Can you believe it's been a year since he was all warm and cozy in his sling at the punkin patch?

The picture of you and Hayden is SO cute! I just love it. You look great, and he is getting so big and handsome. :)
Sandy, your pictures are precious.. Your family is beautiful..
Gorgeous photos. He looks so much like you. I love that he points at books and touches his cheek on the textured parts! So sweet. I think it's smart to let your kid be him/herself and not worry too much about developmental stuff until it's clearly a problem. Kids tend to even out over time and excel at some things and take longer with others. :) Love ya girl! Enjoyed this little glimpse into your life.
I miss you and your family! It looks like you had a great time at the pumpkin patch!
Zoe came out to the office to see me while I was looking at these photos.. she oohed and awwed over Hayden, pointing and saying "Baby, Baby", over and over and over.
The pictures are great and you all look wonderful. Has David been working out?
Thank you all!
Kristen, you are so right about the developmental thing.
Jen, come see us! We miss you too!
A, I'll have to show Hayden Zoe's photos. He loves seeing other babies.
David hasn't been working out, but his last job at Wal-Mart was very physical.
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