Thursday, December 22, 2005

"please pray, meditate, offer tonglen or just stop for a moment for my friend and his family"
This comment at the possibility of fire touched something deep inside me as I read it. I had never been to this blog before tonight. I clicked on it randomly. I don't know this man, his struggles, or the struggles of the friend he speaks about. Yet, his request to "just stop for a moment" made my heart still. It seems like a simple enough request. Stop for a moment to offer up a whole hearted prayer for someone in need; to let all other thoughts, intentions, motivations, and agendas fade away and focus for one moment on another living breathing being. It seems simple enough, yet it was the most difficult task I encountered today. My mind would not be still long enough to utter my humble request to The Almighty. I want more than anything to be still, to be ginuine in my heart as I pray for this man and for others in my life. I want to learn to quiet the world around me, the moans of every day life, for a few moments in the day to give all that I am in prayer for those God has placed in my heart. Be quiet world. Be still heart.

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