Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Analize This

Two nights ago, I had a dream that my beloved pooch, Patches, was dogie-naped and forced to perform in a wild west dog show where she was a cowgirl complete with a braided blonde wig and cowgirl hat. I was thrown out of the dog show for dogie-naping her back.


Kristen said...

Aola will be able to analyze this a little better...

but I just think it's funny. :)

aola said...

I was just wondering what movie you watched with that pizza right before bed????

Sandra said...

LOL! Yeah, the first thing I thought when I woke up was "what the heck did I eat last night?". It was pot roast with potatoes and gravy. The movie was Saw 2
Crazy huh!

Kristen said...

Saw 2? YUCK! No wonder you had weird dreams.

Sandra said...

Yeah it was a disturbing movie. Worse than the 1st one. You have to give it to the writer though, it's very creative. It's also more than a little scary that someone out there thinks like that.