Friday, September 22, 2006

I decided to tell Erin. I did it as gently as possible and made sure we had time to discuss it and answer any questions she had. Her main concern was that Brianna was not alone and that they (the hospital) made sure that she was really dead and not just in a coma. The night after I told her about it she had a dream that she was in the car and she was telling the driver "You can't lose control. You just can't lose control." She said to me "Mom, the driver didn't lose control and Brianna was okay. I wish we had a time eraser and I could make Brianna okay." I told her that every feeling she was having about the loss of Brianna be it anger, saddness, confusion, or just a wish that this didn't happen was normal and that she had every right to feel each of those things. I've answered all the questions I can and been honest about those that I can't. I can see that she is working through this and processing it in her own way. New loss has a way of brining old losses to the surface. I knew this was true for me and now I can see that it is true for Erin and probably every other livng being. Whatver this brings up, we wil work through together.


Kristen said...

You are an awesome mom, Sandra.

aola said...

You're such a great Mom. She is so lucky to have you in her life.