Glorious, indeed. You look great!
No matter how many of my friends have kids, it's still weird to see them pregnant! I guess I still imagine everyone as being in the teens and very early twenties. I can't wait to see you in person!!!! -Jen
Look at you! I wish I were close enough to come and do a mommy shoot there!:)
you look soo cute! and that's a great color on you.
You look so good! Looks like you are carrying high..that makes for wonderful indigestion, huh?
Oh, you do look great! I always think pregnany women are so beautiful. I didn't really see that beauty in myself, though. I felt too awful. Becky's right, great color, too.
Thanks ladies! That shirt is one of my favorites. :) A, I haven't had any heartburn or indigestion yet. Knock on wood!
You look wonderful!
and bangs and sunglasses and lipstick -- all so fresh the belly.
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Glorious, indeed. You look great!
No matter how many of my friends have kids, it's still weird to see them pregnant! I guess I still imagine everyone as being in the teens and very early twenties. I can't wait to see you in person!!!!
Look at you! I wish I were close enough to come and do a mommy shoot there!
you look soo cute! and that's a great color on you.
You look so good! Looks like you are carrying high..that makes for wonderful indigestion, huh?
Oh, you do look great! I always think pregnany women are so beautiful. I didn't really see that beauty in myself, though. I felt too awful.
Becky's right, great color, too.
Thanks ladies! That shirt is one of my favorites. :)
A, I haven't had any heartburn or indigestion yet. Knock on wood!
You look wonderful!
and bangs and sunglasses and lipstick -- all so fresh looking.
like the belly.
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