Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Back In The Land Of High Speed

Luckily the connection is faster than the customer service our new phone/internet company provides. They sent our wireless modem to the wrong address twice. In the end we had to pick it up from a neighbors house that it was incorrectly sent to. At least we got to meet the neighbors.
Our house was in an almost normal state until we finally started unpacking. Now there are boxes everywhere! I'll tackle them one box at a time.
We're halfway through our birthing classes and I'm feeling more and more confident about making birthing plan choices. Of course it will all look easy on paper, but I'm well aware that the actual labor part will be a whole other story.
If you've been reading this blog for any length of time, you probably know that part of what I love about this place is my family's history here. I love feeling connected to the land by generations. Last week David and I visited the "big house" with my grandma. The big house is the house my great-great grandparents bought along with the farm it sits on. My grandmother gave birth to all of her children there and my sisters and I even spent a few summers living in it with my dad. In recent years it's been turned into a storage of sorts with everyone putting their items there. A few years ago some jerk decided that whatever was there was in the house was free for the taking. From what we know they broke into the house several times and took an antique dresser, china cabinet, marbles, and several other items. While I was sad about those things, I was devastated to find out that they stole the old family photo album which was full of tin type photos. We are going back one more time to check and make sure it wasn't thrown into a corner, but I'm almost certain it's gone. I know it's just a photo album, but I loved being able to see the history of our family.


aola said...

That totally sucks (the theivery).
I had someone steal Charlie's baby book when he was little... what in the world would anyone else want with stuff like that??

Kristen said...

Who would steal a photo album? People are nuts.

I hope your birth goes how you want it to, friend. :)

Old Folks Blog said...

Hi Sandra,
Loved your post about the old house.History of a fmily is priceless.I think Paul Edward has all our albums.
You and David take care and we are always thinking of you.
Mother and I are OK.
Love You.

Anonymous said...

I hate thieves. The very arrogance of it all.

I'd check around local antique malls for your family tintypes. They might be there.