Monday, August 25, 2008

To Erin on her firt day of Junior High

Dear Erin,

You started seventh grade today in a new school worlds away from everything familiar. Anyone who has been there knows how hard seventh grade can be without having moved across the country and leaving everything and one you know. I am so proud of how brave you are! As I watched you pick out your first-day-of-school outfit and helped you fix your hair, this mama's heart swelled with emotion. A twin, I never had to go it all alone. I always had aunt Brandy to walk with me. You my dear braved the treacherous waters of the first day of Junior High with absolute bravery and you looked beautiful doing it!

Dropping you off at the bus stop felt a little like feeding a lamb to wolves. There were older kids smoking, girls in questionable clothing, and boys being boys. Everything in me wanted to board the bus with you and protect you from all that could happen. Instead, I said a prayer that you would find friends who would support you and encourage you to be you. In a perfect world everyone on the bus and at your school would be loving, kind, and supportive and kids would encourage one another to be themselves and make healthy choices. In reality kids are confused, self conscious, and unsure. My hope is that if and when the worst does happen and one of these kids is mean to you, you'll remember that it's only because of this, and has nothing to do with you. You are beautiful, funny, creative, and kind. Be yourself with those around you and you'll inspire others to do the same.


Anonymous said...

Awww... very nice.

You are a good mama!

Kristen said...


Can't we just skip junior high--it totally sucks.

I hope it doesn't suck as much for the beautiful girl.

Katt said...

Erin.... along with your mother I prayed that the Lord would encompass you and protect you. That he give you the eyes to see the wonderful, beautiful young lady you have become.. and are going to be. I pray that you find good freinds that will help you, understand you and not lead you the wrong way. From my mouth to Gods ear. and he answers all prayers.....
I love you