Friday, December 11, 2009

The lesson I'm still learning.

Lesson 1
At least I've learned this much:
Life doesn't have to be
all poetry and roses. Life
can be bus rides, gritty sidewalks,
electric bills, dishwashing,
chapped lips, dull stubby pencils
with the erasers chewed off,
cheap radios played too loud,
the rank smell of stale coffee
yet still glow
with the inner fire of an opal,
still taste like honey.

-Julie Alger


Jen said...

You and me both. I have this ideal picture of life and so far it hasn't really lived up to that. Oh well, I guess I have to learn to see that it is good.

Sandra said...

This poem helps me remember that life doesn't have to be my idea of perfect to be beautiful. The idea I have of perfect is a lie anyway.