Saturday, July 30, 2005

Biscuits & Chocolate Gravy

I usually get the same response every time I mention this breakfast favorite of mine; a wrinkled up nose and "Did you just say chocolate gravy?" Yes, I said CHOCOLATE gravy. And for anyone reading this with a wrinkled up nose, you just don't know what you are missing!
My mom made this as I was growing up. It's not something we had very often. It's one of those cold winter mornings don't wanna get outa bed type of breakfasts. The biscuits are a little sweeter than normal; the gravy is not as sweet as one might think. It's the perfect soul food. For the longest time I thought it was something my mom had concocted during one of her "chocoholic binges", but I asked her once and she told me she learned to make it at a friend’s house. Imagine my surprise when I googled it and found all kinds or recipes and resources. It seems biscuits and chocolate gravy is a "southern thing". No wonder all these crazy California’s look at me like "what the heck" as they sip on their sugar free-nonfat-organic-vanilla-latte's.
Anyway, it doesn't ever get cold here (no, 65 degrees is not cold!), so I just make biscuits and chocolate gravy when the feeling hits me. This morning it hit me. The biscuits weren't as good as moms. She learned how to make them one year by throwing stuff together. That was a year of interesting breakfasts let me tell ya! The gravy was pretty close to hers. All in all it was a good breakfast and I have that wonderful warm feeling in my tummy. :)
If you're feeling brave and wanna give them a try, here's a recipe for them. This isn't the one I use because my moms recipe doesn't come with the measurements. You have to make it up as you go. This one has all the info you need and even adds a twist by using cinnamon. I've never used cinnamon, but I think it could be yummy. Let me know what you think of them if you make them!
Biscuits & Chocolate Gravy Recipe

1 comment:

aola said...

When I was in grade school I had a friend who lived just a few blocks from school. I would get off the bus in the morning and run to her house so that I could walk with her to school AND to eat left over chocolate gravy. Her mom, Della, made it almost every day. I always got it cold, it tasted just like chocolate pudding to me. I hadn't thought about chocolate gravy in years.