Monday, July 14, 2008


Life post move is crazy and chaotic, but we are surrounded by peaceful beauty. Camouflaged in shades of green, the foothills of the Allegheny mountains tumble and roll in every direction around us. Stars litter the evening sky as fireflies dance on the lawn. Our list of things to do is very long. I keep reminding myself that this too will pass. Soon, we will be moved in and settled just in time to have everything turned upside down with Hayden's arrival. I consider all of this the good kind of chaos because it will eventually lead to all that we've been waiting for.


Anonymous said...

I posted on your facebook wall but wasn't sure when you would be checking there...wondering where you ended up? and completely jealous of your mountains and sky.

Becky Deweese

Anonymous said...

Welcome to your new home, I can't wait to see some of your long exposure photos of fireflies!

aola said...

so glad to hear that you are there!!!

pictures, pictures, pictures (when you have time)

psst.. if you look very closely you might see fairies :)

I still need an address.. email me, please.

E. Michelle said...

pretty pretty words, sandy.

Kristen said...

Need an address here, too!

I like that: good kind of chaos. True.